Previously I showcased coaches as extraordinary enablers of entrepreneurship. I also mentioned some coaches who impacted my journey, but my story was incomplete.

I believe that during our journey there could be different coaches for different SEASONS. And different seasons imply different NEEDS.

My Master’s research indicated that coaches adopted different roles during the journey of coaching start-up business owners; those of:
o A sounding board and thinking partner
o An encourager
o An accountability partner
o A role model

To complete my story, I want to add some events and highlight the roles that key coaches played during my journey.

~ As a seasoned adult I underestimated what it would mean to start studying again. I had to balance my studies with a very demanding job as the CEO of a manufacturing group. I completely lost my study-work-life balance, but similar to my recent studies, one of my 2017 peers became a friend of mine. Jeanne Crous was there as my encourager, supporting me to bear the challenges and heartaches of both my studies and my work.

~ After the rude awakening of my 2017 studies I decided not to study ever again. However, I could not shake my dream of completing my coaching studies at a Masters level. I want to thank Salome van Coller-Peter for helping and enabling me to find a way to make that possible.

~ The next shock came when I felt out of my depth conducting my Masters research. But not only was JP Cronje my accountability partner, but he also championed me along until I crossed the finish line.

~ Early on during my studies I realised that Positive Psychology spoke to the heart of my being. I reached out to coaches that shared my passion for focusing on strengths. Eileen Herreilers is the inspiration behind our StrengthsFinder thinktank where we celebrate our strengths and encourage and support each other.

~ Samantha Macdonald is another coach who shares my passion for strengths and who continuously reminds me of our interconnectedness. Her forward-thinking provokes new perspectives and stretches my thinking.

~  Lastly, I want to commend Linda Remke for being my role model as a true entrepreneur. She has a dream to make coaching accessible to employees at all levels and in the process also enable more coaches to become successful as business owners in their own right.

I believe we all have something unique to offer and deserve the chance to find our own unique place in this world where we can be extraordinary. But we all sometimes get stuck on our journey of turning our dreams into reality. To get a sense of how I in turn can help you, please visit my website for more details or reach out to me by completing the contact form.

Take time out to reflect upon your current SEASON and who best can be there for you.

Source: Milner, M. (2020). Exploring to what extent coaching contributes to the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy of the small business owner during TEA.

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