
Enabling Individuals, Teams or Groups to gain a better understanding of EQ and equip them with practical tips and reflective exercises to develop their EQ.


How do we avoid being highjacked by our emotions when our lower brain functions take over and we go into the survival mode of Fight, Flight or Freeze?

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Victor Frankl


I have learnt that it is to our benefit to get an outside neutral perspective when it comes to emotive matters. As a calm and level-headed individual and as your facilitator, I will provide a safe space where we will explore the dimensions of emotional intelligence. We will integrate the learnings to fortify and develop your EQ.


The emphasis of the workshop will be to introduce the concepts of Emotional Intelligence and to provide some practical tips and exercises assisting you to develop your EQ.

The course content will cover the following:

What is emotional intelligence?
Different dimensions of EQ.
Neurological & physiological basis of EQ.
Identifying emotional triggers.
Practical tips for EQ in the workplace.
Expression of emotions.
Reflective exercises to integrate the learnings.

Healthy development of emotional intelligence enhances self-awareness, self-regulation and social awareness, thus positively impacting relationships, engagement, effectiveness and performance. Furthermore, it could reduce anxiety and stress levels.