Enablement of entrepreneurship can take on many forms: ‘business incubation, advisors, mentors, coaches and training’.

This interview with Dupie was part of the second season of The Coaching Practice where he is speaking with coaches who are at the pioneering stage of their practices. I believe this platform contributes to the enablement of coaches as business owners.

You can tune in by clicking on any of the following links.
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/za/podcast/the-coaching-practice/id1515457441?i=1000534337199
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/741GVtdrj5s8nVXAY3VYLg?si=0jjdDawrTvuHdfm0eaeicA&dl_branch=1

Listening to this podcast encouraged me to showcase ‘coaches’ as extraordinary enablers of entrepreneurship and to celebrate all the coaches who played a role in my journey. I truly appreciate each and every one of them, and I feel that I might offend some by not naming them all. But there are just too many of these amazing individuals that have crossed my path since 2017.

But of course, there is always THE FIRST ONE.

At the end of 2015, I realised that I was at a crossroads in my career. I felt close to burnout and I realised that something needed to change. Besides asking for time off work, I did another very hard thing for me. I reached out and ASKED FOR HELP.
I spent a week with Amanda Roon in Paternoster. She was just the perfect someone who was there for me at a very fragile time in my life. At that stage I didn’t even recognise and appreciate the true meaning and value of coaching.

The next landmark intervention towards entrepreneurship was FINDING MY NICHE.

I felt lost in the process of finding my unique authentic flavour as a coach and brainstorming with myself just felt like going in circles. At least by then, I have figured out that ‘asking for help’ is the smart thing to do and I reached out to a coach.
Liesl Cronje guided me through a structured process and even though I felt like I will never get it, I did! On the one hand, it was because of the expertise of my coach, and on the other hand, it was because I put in the hard work.

But ‘solopreneurship’ is a very lonely journey, one that I can’t imagine doing without MY SUPPORT GROUP.

Those of you that have first-hand experience of the journey of entrepreneurship, know that this is a roller coaster ride as wild as they come. Reaching out for help has now taken on the identity of ‘I support and care for you and you support and care for me’, because that is what we do as human beings.
I believe it is the natural evolutionary process that occurs when you immerse yourself in the process of becoming a master coach. During my Masters’ studies, I befriended two amazing ladies, Christine Wilke & Lesley Bam. We look out for each other and we are there to support and care for each other during the crazy ups and downs of starting a new business.

Lastly, I want to honour all those coaches that GIVE SO FREELY of their time and knowledge.

I am proud to be part of the coaching community where I encounter this spirit of abundance so frequently. Dupie Janse van Rensburg deserves a special mention for being an ambassador of this spirit, generously providing this podcast platform.

I believe we all have something unique to offer and that we deserve the chance to do what is true, meaningful and extraordinary for us. If you want to turn your dream into reality, I suggest that you do what I did, be brave and ask for help. As mentioned before, I have walked this path myself and to get a sense of how I in turn can help you, please please visit my website for more details or reach out to me by completing the contact form.

Who are ‘the people behind the people’ for you?

#enablement #ikigai #purposeandmeaning #coaching #m3perspectives