Figuring out ‘who I am and doing it on purpose’ did not happen overnight for me. Furthermore, I realised that the answer was not so much in the DESTINATION, but rather the intentional JOURNEY I embarked upon! And, WOW! What a ride!

During my late forties (many moons ago), I realised I needed time out!!! Whether it was burnout or maybe my midlife crisis, I was not sure. What I was sure of, was that this was not WHO I wanted to be or WHAT I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

The greatest gift I gave myself, was taking a BREAK. Or maybe it was just my last desperate move…

Be it as it may, spending an “emotional wellness week” with a coach in Paternoster (with the added benefit of the healing powers of nature) was a LIFE-CHANGING EVENT for me.

That is when I reframed my ‘midlife crisis’ as my “MIDLIFE RE-CREATION”.

There is no better time than NOW to figure out ‘who you are’ and make this the year where YOU DO ‘YOU’ ON PURPOSE!