Contemplating escaping the rat race? Or perhaps worried about an empty nest? Or maybe facing retirement? But perhaps you are simply seeking a fresh start to create meaning and purpose for yourself.

Then, now is the time to start that business that you always dreamed about! It could provide you with the autonomy, flexibility and income stream that satisfy your needs at this stage of your life. Maybe you will even find that ever-elusive work-life balance!

Taking the leap to start your own business might be the SCARIEST thing you have ever done. Many of us lack the confidence and self-belief that we can create a successful business.

So, how do you turn this fear into bravery?

  • Keep in mind that it costs nothing to dream. But start dreaming with intention. Envision a business that will be congruent with who you are at heart and that will portray the authentic you.
  • Reflect upon your deal breakers in order to devise a strategy to overcome those.
  • Consider whether you will have to upskill, reskill or acquire new skills to start your own venture.

Remember, “a goal without a plan is just a dream”.

  • Write down your ideas for your business. What are the first steps that you can act upon now?
  • Figure out what funding you would need. What can you do about it now?
  • What can you do now to gain the needed skills?
  • What other resources would you need to start your own venture?

Frame it as a journey, taking it one step at a time.

  • Break down your plan into bite sizes that you can cope with.
  • Don’t confine yourself to the walls you build yourself. Challenge the assumptions and beliefs that limit you to take action.
  • The most important thing is DO SOMETHING. Even, if it is only to run this crazy idea of yours by a neutral person.
  • Reach out to a professional that can support you through this uncertainty.
  • But, don’t let your dream die without ever giving it some breathing space.

I believe we all have something unique to offer and that we deserve the chance to do what is true, meaningful, and extraordinary for us, doing something that we are passionate about. I have walked this path and to get a sense of how I in turn can help you, please visit my website or reach out to me at

Food for thought: “You will never be able to start a new chapter in your life unless you stop re-reading the last one.”

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