But what is the real world? The real world as we know it does not exist anymore and the new one has not been defined yet.

Thus, a double whammy awaits you as you enter the workplace for the first time.

○ On the one hand, starting your first job could be exciting, but also a bit scary and probably very foreign as opposed to the world of a student.

○ And on the other hand, people are still figuring out what this new workspace looks like in a post-pandemic world.

Nonetheless, there are a few strategies that you can adopt to support you as you embark upon this new chapter of your life.

○ Remember, your first job is not a marriage or a lifelong commitment. It is just the first destination of your new journey.

○ I suggest that you approach your first job as an ‘internship’. You now have the opportunity to gain experience and discover and learn what you passionately like to do in real life.

○ Another idea is to consider the strategy of ‘power mentoring’. To fast-track your development and growth in the various dimensions of your career and life, start cultivating a network of subject matter experts who can serve as your mentors in the respective areas where you want to develop and grow.

○ Furthermore, I believe that we need someone in our corner to help us navigate this new territory. I suggest you reach out to someone ‘neutral’ such as a coach (or mentor) to be your dedicated champion, providing you with emotional support and whose only agenda is your success. This person can help you discover how best to showcase your inherent talents within your new environment and how to overcome the challenges of your new job and flourish.

○ Be mindful that this journey is a bumpy ride pitted with unexpected ‘roadblocks’. Not only can these obstacles derail your carefully laid out plans, but more importantly your self-confidence and self-esteem might take a tumble. That is when the courageous thing to do, is to shout out and seek help!

○ Lastly, be intentional about discovering and pursuing your ‘passions and dreams’, living your life with meaning and purpose.

This is what some of my ‘rookie’ clients had to say after their coaching journey:

I got more clarity of my long-term goals and received ideas and plans that would help me get to those goals; therefore, I realised stepping stones.”  Kyle, 2019

I learned what my strengths are, how they describe me and what blind spots to look out for. I also left with an action plan going forward.”  Jordan, 2020

I believe that if we could discover our own unique potential early on in our career, it would set us on a path to find our own unique place in this world where we can be extraordinary. To get a sense of how I can help, please visit my website for more details or reach out to me by completing the contact form.

Let’s choose to live our lives with courage, intention and purpose!

#firstjob  #livingwithintention #purposeandmeaning #coaching #m3perspectives