Are you contemplating escaping from the rat race to start your dream business?

Do you find yourselves overwhelmed by the number of factors to take into account before you might be ready to take the leap? For now, let’s look at 3 of these factors.

Envisioning your dream business
If the vision is still muddled in your mind or if you are still more or less clueless about what that dream looks like for you, consider the following questions.
o What are your STRENGTHS?
o What are your VALUES?
o What are you GOOD AT?
o What do you really LOVE to do?
o What can you be PAID FOR?
o What can you give that the world NEEDS?
Reflecting upon these questions, you will find that business vision that will be congruent with who you are at heart and that will portray the authentic you.

Exit strategy
If you are one of those people who doesn’t feel comfortable to plunge in headlong, consider the following questions.
o What are your FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS? – Do you have a financial safety net or access to funding?
o Do you have the necessary SKILLS? – How can you upskill, reskill or acquire new skills?
o WHAT ELSE is vital for you to incorporate in your exit plan?
Crystalising what your exit strategy from corporate might look like will provide you with actionable milestones to make your dream a reality.

Reality check (SPOILER ALERT)
My Master’s research revealed that early-stage business owners grappled with the following issues:
o A lack of entrepreneurial SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE.
o The LONELINESS of entrepreneurship and the accompanying FEAR.
o The ENTANGLED IDENTITIES of their personal and business lives.
o The need for WORK-LIFE-BALANCE.
o The pressure of SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS and notions.
But as the saying goes ‘forewarned is forearmed’.

I believe we all have something unique to offer and that we deserve the chance to do what is true, meaningful and extraordinary for us; doing something that we are passionate about. I have walked this path and to get a sense of how I in turn can help you, please visit my website for more details or reach out to me by completing the contact form.

* What if you are brave enough to disrupt your comfort?
* What are your financial deal breakers and how do you overcome those?
* What if you are willing to put in the hard work?
* What if you give more than you take?

Are you ready to take the leap?

Source: Milner, M. (2020). Exploring to what extent coaching contributes to the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy of the small business owner during TEA.

#crossroads #ikigai #purposeandmeaning #smallbusiness #entrepreneurship #m3perspectives