Mindfulness is, at its core, a state of open awareness and attention. And to feel gratitude, we first have to truly notice the good things that surround us.

Browsing the internet for some ideas, I learned that ‘mindful photography’ is actually a thing and there are many courses available on this topic.

Nevertheless, what I read only affirmed what I consciously started to practice since I left the business world midst of 2020.

o First of all, I decided to KEEP IT SIMPLE, and sadly exchanged my Canon EOS 700D for my handy mobile phone. But according to the experts, it can be a good thing. The analytical side of the brain processing the technical aspects takes a back seat, and the creative side of the brain takes control of the driver seat.

o Taking pictures, I often wander off on my own and thus remove myself from the busyness of life. It allows me to absorb the CALMING EFFECT of the moment.

o I also noticed when all my attention is focused on the subject in the frame, TIME SLOWS DOWN and I become fully present.

o I take in all the detail, the beauty and the wonder that I normally would have missed. I start playing with different angles, or zoom in or out to observe the subject in a new light. I may even turn 180⁰ to be pleasantly surprised at what might be ‘hidden’ behind me (a handy photography tip). In that slowed-down moment, all my CREATIVE JUICES are activated.

o Being fully absorbed and immersed in the process, I lose all sense of space and time, reaching a FLOW STATE of mind.

o The camera trained my eye to capture and appreciate the moment. And I don’t need a camera anymore to pause time, ‘burning’ the image into my brain. I learned how to truly SEE INSTEAD OF LOOK.

o A photo not only captures the moment, but it also encapsulates the feelings and story of that moment. At one glance I can TRAVEL BACK IN TIME, reliving the moment and experiencing the positive emotions and memories the image evokes. In that sense, my photos serve as a reminder of all that is good in my life.

o By sharing my photos, my “stories” can also INSPIRE OTHERS to notice the beauty that surrounds us.

Relating to the present moment with curiosity and gratitude is a choice we can make. We can shift the focus of our attention to what uplifts us. We can choose what we see!

If you want to live your life with intention, purpose and meaning, please visit my website or reach out to me by completing the contact form.

What do you choose to see?

Source: Campbell, E. (2018). How photography can help cultivate mindfulness and gratitude. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_photography_can_help_cultivate_mindfulness_and_gratitude
#mindfulphotography #mindfulness #gratitude #appreciation #purposeandmeaning #coaching #m3perspectives

P.S. As far as possible I use my own photos or those of commissioned photoshoots on my social media platforms.