Is it possible that you might be a victim of Corporate Stockholm Syndrome?

Stockholm syndrome refers to a state of mind where hostages form a strong bond with their captors. This irrational reaction to a threat is similar to the phenomenon where employees identify themselves with or remain loyal to an employer who mistreats them. Similar to the captor/captive dynamic, the employer holds the upper hand in the employee’s financial destiny.

The employee experiencing Corporate Stockholm Syndrome typically displays a tendency to become emotionally attached to the company to the detriment of their own emotional health. They will rationalise to themselves and others the employer’s poor treatment of them as necessary for the greater good of the organisation. They might even defend the employer’s actions when those actions are questioned by an outsider.

Signs that you might be an unbeknownst victim:

Lack of psychological safety ◦ Toxic culture ◦ Fear management ◦ Yes-men ◦ Overly long hours ◦ Manipulative tactics ◦ Gaslighting ◦ Micro-management ◦ Emotional and verbal abuse ◦ Infantilization ◦ Misguided loyalty ◦ Rationalisation ◦ Denial of the obvious ◦ Perceived powerlessness

You might also experience the spill-over effect upon your personal relationships. Close friends and family could find themselves at the receiving end of your suppressed feelings and backlash. (So please, DO NOT kick the dog!)

But how do you break this cycle?

  • The first step is being AWARE of and gaining an understanding of this phenomenon.
  • Then, SOUNDBOARD your hunch with an objective person that can give you an unbiased view.
  • The next step is the HARD one, acknowledging to yourself that you might be a victim.
  • The last step is the BRAVE one, deciding to do something about it.
  • Should you decide to LEAVE, you will have to face your ‘dealbreakers’ and devise a strategy to overcome those.
  • Lastly, consider reaching out to a neutral and understanding professional who can SUPPORT you throughout this process.

When you lose heart, remind yourself that abusers do not deserve loyalty. Your peace of mind is far more valuable!

I believe we all deserve the chance to be free and do what is true, meaningful and extraordinary for us. To get a sense of how I can help you, please visit my website for more details or reach out to me by completing the contact form.

To break free might be the most difficult thing you will ever have to do, but remember, you don’t have to go solo on this!

 Sources: Psychology Today. (2014).

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